Sunday, May 13, 2007

Anna's Aston Antics

Video taken on a boring day at Aston. Anna decided to play teacher for the day and teach Bruce and I a dialect of Mandarin that is somewhere between a Chongqing dialect and a Beijing dialect. She is heard saying "Lego shi shadze" or something like that--which means "What is this?" Enjoy!

1 comment:

jon said...

Two things spring to mind immediatly after watching this video. The first is a question. What the fuck was anna doing with round paper eyes taped over her actual eyes? I feel like the image gives poignet new meaning to the phrase "Asian women are real into round eyes these days." The second is another question. What were you guys saying? It sounded like "lego my swauzo" well I say leggo my eggo. I like the shave pap. keepin it suave. gotta have the smooth face to put any moves on anna you know. I will exit in the brilliant words of anna herself..."class over."